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Deer Valley Middle School
Home of the Colts!

Title I. Information

Title 1

Deer Valley Unified School District has thirteen Title I schools. These schools are identified to receive Title I funding based on free and reduced lunch percentages. Schools that have 40% or more of their students receiving free or reduced lunch receive Title I funding. 

Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for…

–      Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these student’s meet the State’s challenging content standards.

–      Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies

–      Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities

–      Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers


All Title I schools in Deer Valley are Schoolwide Programs. This means the Title programs serve all children in a school. All staff, resources, and classes are part of the overall Schoolwide program. The purpose is to generate high levels of academic achievement in core subject areas for all students, especially those students most in need.

Deer Valley schools set aside 1% of the Title I for parental involvement. All Title I schools emphasize bringing in parents as academic partners and each school receives funding to further this partnership. To learn more about your school’s Title I program and specific parent involvement opportunities, please click on the school links below. 

 Welcome Parents!  If your child has just enrolled in any of the above schools, please review the following presentation to learn about your rights as a parent at a Title I school and some of the exciting services that will be available for your child.  For specific school information, please visit your school website.  We look forward to working with you and creating a partnership that will guarantee your child's success.