Immunizations: Written proof of your child's compliance with the State of Arizona's immunization requirements is a part of the registration process in Arizona Schools. State and Federal Law mandates that all school age children be immunized to prevent certain diseases. If you are unsure of the requirements for immunization, please see your doctor, visit the School Health Center or call the Maricopa County Health Department at (602) 506-6767 or (602) 263-8856. The immunizations most elementary school kids will have to obtain by their eleventh birthday and before entering middle school are the Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertusis (Tdap) and their Meningococcal vaccines. Exemption Forms are availble throught the school nurse if needed. If you receive an "Immunization Notice" for inadequate or missing immunizations, please complete what is required by the date indicated in the notice. Failure to complete the requirements in a timely matter is a violation of state law and your child may be excluded from attending school until you comply with the state requirements.
FREE IMMUNIZATIONS ARE AVAILABLE!! (For school required immunizations). Please visit the Maricopa County Department of Public Health at the West Valley Immunization Clinic. When you go, please be sure to bring your immunization record and insurance card so that they may be reimbursed for your child's immunizations. They will immunize everyone, whether you have insurance or not! Children MUST be accompanied by a parent and be under the age of 18. The Maricopa County Department of Public Health at the West Valley Immunization Clinic is located at:
1850 North 95th Avenue. Suite 184
Phoenix, Arizona 85037
Open Monday - Friday 08:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:30pm (Closed 12:00-1:00 for lunch)
Phone: 602-506-6767